Customer Module Dashboard Guide

The Customer Module Dashboard in folloUP CRM is designed to help you manage and view customer information efficiently. Here’s a breakdown of its features and functions:

  1. Top Navigation Buttons:

    • New Customer: Allows you to add a new customer manually by filling out their details.
    • Import Customers: Provides an option to upload multiple customers at once using a file import feature, which is useful for bulk additions.
    • Contacts: A dedicated button to manage individual contacts associated with your customers, making it easy to handle communication and contact details.
  2. Customer Summary Section:

    • This section provides a quick overview of your customer and contact status. The dashboard displays counts for:
      • Total Customers: The total number of customers in your system.
      • Active Customers: Customers who are actively engaged or marked as active.
      • Inactive Customers: Customers who have been marked as inactive or are not currently engaged.
      • Active Contacts: The number of contacts associated with customers that are currently active.
      • Inactive Contacts: Contacts that have been marked as inactive.
      • Contacts Logged In Today: Shows the count of contacts who logged in or accessed your system today.
  3. Customer Table:

    • The table below the summary section shows detailed information about each customer. The columns are as follows:

      • #: Serial number or ID assigned to each customer entry.
      • Company: Displays the company name associated with the customer.
      • Primary Contact: Shows the main point of contact for the customer.
      • Primary Email: The email address of the primary contact, useful for communication.
      • Phone: Contact phone number of the primary contact.
      • Active: A status indicator showing if the customer is active or inactive.
      • Groups: Lists any groups that the customer is associated with, which helps in organizing and segmenting customers.
      • Date Created: Indicates when the customer record was created.
    • Additional controls for the table include:

      • Entries per page (Dropdown): Allows you to adjust the number of entries displayed on each page.
      • Export: Provides the option to export customer data to a file for external use.
      • Bulk Actions: Allows you to perform actions on multiple customer records simultaneously.
      • Search: A search bar to quickly locate specific customers based on keywords.
  4. Empty State Message:

    • When there are no customers in the system, the table displays a "No entries found" message. Once customers are added, their details will populate in this area.
  5. Filter Option (Top Right):

    • The filter icon at the top right enables you to refine the list of customers based on various criteria, allowing you to focus on specific customer segments.

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